April 2023: Social Media App Updates

We’re keeping this App Update short and sweet (mainly because the list we have is… short and sweet). Fair warning: as it’s only early April, there’s a very good chance we will be back on your feed and in your inboxes with more updates before the month is over.

Let’s dive in!

  1. Reels vs. Photos: There has been A LOT of talk regarding Reels versus photos and which Instagram is now prioritizing. To get straight to the point: BOTH photos and Reels are important and are being prioritized. Photos, especially carousels, can perform particularly well. Reels will also continue to perform well. The latest research suggests the most successful strategy will include a combination of both. SO, breathe a sigh of relief; not every post has to be a Reel. With that being said, Later suggests using Reels if your goal is brand awareness and reach, and using photos if your goal is engagement and community building.

  2. Broadcast Channels: Although this was released last month, many users are just starting to dip their toes into this now. Basically, it allows creators to broadcast a message directly to a group of people in their DMs. They can share polls, voice notes, updates and more, including photos and videos. Users have access to this content when they opt-in to the creator’s Broadcast Channel. While the users who opt-in cannot comment in the channel, they can react to the posts shared and participate in polls. In a nutshell, it’s a great way for creators to share exclusive content, receive feedback and create more meaningful connections with their audience. 


  1. Scheduling Posts in Instagram App: While we all likely have our go-to scheduling platforms that (hopefully) cater to our every platform need, Instagram now allows professional accounts (if you use IG for business, you should have this or can easily upgrade to this) to schedule posts and Reels directly in app.

  2. Scheduling Posts on LinkedIn: LinkedIn also allows users to now schedule posts up to 3 months in advance! This is great for reaching your target audience at the most opportune times.


  1. TikTok Removing Watermark For Good?: This still remains a question, BUT, TikTok is testing out the ability for users to download their videos without the watermark before they post. If this turns into a permanent feature, it will literally be life changing. Or close enough to life changing as this will make it WAY easier to cross-promote content without it being flagged and deprioritized due to the watermark.

And that’s in! Let us know what you think of the latest updates and if you’ll be using them. Tag us on social @springmediaco to continue the conversation there! ✨ And don’t forget to check back soon for the next round of updates… we’re sure it won’t be long. 😉


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