What’s New On Instagram

Having trouble staying on top of the latest app updates across your favourite platforms? Yeah, us too. That’s why we’re keeping tabs on everything right here! Each month (or week, depending on what’s happening) we’ll be breaking down every update, their benefits and how you can make them work for you. 

Ready to dive in? Let’s go! 

This month, we’re focusing on Instagram. We’re sharing the most recently announced updates + those that were shared in the last few months to bring you up to speed. Keep an eye out for our TikTok Updates series too, coming soon! 

  1. Meta Verified: IG announced a new subscription service called Meta Verified that actually features a set of services, including checkmark verification, increased visibility (in search, comments, explore page) and live chat support. This is definitely something to watch and pay attention to, as what this means for the engagement and visibility of those who already have the verification remains to be seen. This will be kicking off in Australia and New Zealand before being rolled out to other countries.

  2. Three New Quiet Features: These exciting new changes are a great way to cultivate your own personal experience within the app and include: 

    • Quiet Mode: This is a temporary way to silence push notifications while also notifying your audience that you’re temporarily unavailable. Note: this is currently being tested in select countries, including the US and Canada.  

    • Hidden Words For Recommendations: While ‘Hidden Words’ was rolled out in 2021 to help hide certain message requests and comments, users can now use this for recommended content as well, so that you can better control what’s being suggested for you in your feed and explore page. 

    • Multi-select For Not Interested: While on your explore page, you can long-press content you no longer want to see, and follow the prompts after clicking “Not interested” to select multiple photos/videos/graphics. Moving forward, IG will do its best to keep those off your app!

  3. Prioritizing Carousels: After making everyone, and we mean everyone, switch to Reels for optimal engagement and visibility, IG is doing a sharp 180 and returning back to its roots. Currently (and we say this lightly because we all know this could change tomorrow), carousels are back on top and the best way to reach your audience. That’s not to say Reels should be totally forgotten about, but, it’s best to include carousels into your regular posting strategy and see what happens.

  4. Say Goodbye to Live Shopping: Beginning March 16th, users will no longer be able to tag products in live broadcasts. What began as a way to connect and sell products in 2020 amidst lockdowns, hasn’t seen the rise in popularity that was initially expected. With that said, users can still set up a shop and promote their products through advertising.

  5. Topic tags: *Note - not everyone has access to this yet* But, some accounts are now able to add up to three "topic" tags to their IG Reels, while uploading them for posting. These new topic tags should help accounts better reach their target audience, or those who share a similar interest in the topic tags selected.

  6. ‘Shop’ tab removed + ‘Create’ button returned to centre of the navigation bar: The navigation bar now features (from left to right) home, search, create, reels, profile. If you love shopping on IG, don’t worry, users can still shop in the Feed, via Reels, and Stories. 

  1. Collaborative Collections: Collaborate with friends on saved collections! This feature is amazing for planning trips, interior design/renos, celebrations and more. If you haven’t seen this yet, keep your eyes peeled! This is currently being tested worldwide. As a business, you could create and share access to collections, exclusive to your customers.


  1. Add music to in-feed posts: You are now able to add music to your in-feed posts from the IG library, and for millennials this might feel reminiscent of a once active and emotional MySpace page. This fun new feature is a great way to connect with your audience further by using trending sounds!

  2. Instagram Notes: If you haven’t seen these yet, or tried them out, you can find them in your inbox. They allow users to share (short) updates and announcements via text that disappear after 24 hours. Many have likened these to msn status updates. Wondering how you can use them as a brand? Share exciting product launches, sales, or a fun quote that shows your personality. Think of it as another way to stay top of mind and easily share information. Users can reply to your notes and you’ll see this in your DMs.

  3. Group Profiles: If you’ve ever wanted to share an IG account with your best friends, or anyone who shares a similar interest that you’re passionate about, Group Profiles is for you! Similar to Facebook Groups, this feature allows multiple users to share content (Stories, Reels, and Feed posts) on a single page. Currently, this feature is only available in Canada but will be available worldwide soon!

These 10 new features create a variety of opportunities to connect with people across Instagram, as well as shape your experience within the app. While some are a bit more recent than others, we’re curious if there are any that you have tried. We’d love to know your thoughts, and if any have made their way into your official IG strategy for 2023! Tag us on Instagram @springmediaco


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