Top Social Media Trend Predictions for 2023

While looking ahead to 2023 and all of the possibilities this new year holds for your social media presence, keep in mind these top 7 social media trend predictions! Trust us when we say we scoured every resource we could find in search of the top social media trends and these were reported unanimously across the board. 

Our quick takeaway: Nothing was too surprising. If anything, it just cemented the fact that there are some trends (video, video, video) we should all be tapping into if we want to see major growth in 2023.

Short-form Content: So, let’s start here! Bite-sized and quick (but still high quality), it’s predicted that video will continue to reign supreme throughout not only 2023, but in the coming years. If you don’t currently include video in your social media strategy, it is time to do so! (And if you need help - we’ve got it covered! Click here to book in a discovery call).

Authenticity: This one should come as no surprise. 2022 saw the dismantling of the perfectly curated feeds and the increase of real, honest, in-the-moment content. Consumers want to know who’s behind the brand and what they stand for. Expect to see more behind-the-scenes and unfiltered content from brands of all sizes.

UGC Creators: Another trend we saw emerge in 2022 was UGC Creators and you can expect them to stick around and rise in popularity throughout the new year. UGC Creators open the door for brands to create authentic, memorable content that resembles traditional UGC, but is paid for. Unlike influencers, UGC Creators don’t engage with or grow their own following, they just create the content and provide it directly to the brand. This can be a very cost-effective way for brands to create compelling content that resonates with their target audience.

Micro & Nano Influencers: Another great option for brands, micro and nano influencers typically have highly engaged, niche followings and don’t cost nearly as much as the most followed influencers on any platform. If looking to launch a branded partnership strategy, it’s likely worth your while to partner with several micro influencers in your specific niche versus with just one macro influencer. More good news: the number of emerging nano and micro influencers increases every day in every type of market, so chances are high that you’ll find the perfect niche partnership for your brand.

Social Audio Strategy: This is a trend we’re super excited about! Social Audio Strategies include anything that’s primarily audio-based (ie. no text, no imagery), such as podcasts, radio and music playlists. Think of Clubhouse, Twitter Spaces, and Facebook Audio Rooms. Facebook also has soundbite reaction tools, meanwhile Twitter has voice tweets. While on the rise, this area of social marketing is still new, meaning brands have the opportunity to make their mark before it becomes more saturated. What could a social audio strategy look like for your business? What could you offer your clients or customers? Ultimately, a social audio strategy allows brands to share more nuanced content with their audience, helping build deeper brand connections.

Social Commerce: Online shopping, especially directly in-app, like Instagram, Facebook and TikTok will continue to rise. This is because it’s both influential and convenient. Shopping directly in-app allows customers to get to know the brand, view products, and instantly make a purchase. If you haven’t set up your social media storefronts yet, it’s likely you’re leaving money on the (virtual) table.

Environmental + Social Issues: Simply put, consumers are expecting business activism. It’s no longer enough to say you support the environment and various social issues. People are now expecting brands to put their money where their mouth is and actually do something in support of these issues. They expect brands to engage on these topics, and what kind of stance (or lack thereof) that they take, could mean all the difference when it comes to retaining and attracting new customers. So if business activism isn’t currently part of your strategy, you should definitely start thinking about what aligns with your brand and what you can commit to, to ultimately reduce your carbon footprint and do your part to leave this world a better place.

And there you have it! The top 7 social media trends for 2023. 

What trend are you most excited about? Will you be integrating any into your 2023 social media strategy? While we’re not suggesting hopping on every trend, it is a great idea to think about what trends could be right for you and your brand. Remember, authenticity is key, and everything your brand does should lead from there. 

Need help revamping your social media strategy? Our VIP Days could be exactly what you need! You’ll finish the day with a thoroughly researched and custom social media strategy, crafted by trusted experts, to create real-world solutions you can start implementing today. Learn more here.


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