January Refresh for Business Owners Who Run Their Own Social Media

We know all too well how busy this time of year is for business owners (but really, when isn’t it busy?), with new launches, new targets and new goals for the new year. So we’re keeping this short and sweet, and sharing our top 3 tried and true tips for indulging in a January refresh to start 2023 off right! 

1. Declutter your workspace: We believe that a business owner has multiple workspaces (especially if you run your own social media!) and we find it’s best to clean up all of them.

A) Your physical workspace: Clear off your desk, discard outdated forms and content calendars, and return the multiple coffee cups to the kitchen. Bonus points: add your favourite candle or diffuser to your space, replace your lost pens and purchase new stationary. You spend a lot of time at your desk, so you may as well make it as enjoyable as possible.

B) Computer desktop: Do you even know what your screensaver looks like anymore? If you’re like us, you likely have 1 billion screenshots and documents covering every square inch. Trust us, it’s going to feel so good to organize and/or discard them all. Don’t forget to update your background and enjoy it for the first few weeks of 2023 until it disappears once more.

C) Inbox: Seriously, unsubscribe from the emails that you always move automatically to the trash. If it seems too overwhelming, just commit to unsubscribing from 1 email a day. With emails coming in from partners, customers and clients, and potential leads, it’s best to remove all other unnecessary emails so that nothing important gets overlooked.

2. Take stock of your social media accounts: Before investing resources into launching anything new, it’s a great time to audit your existing strategy and content plan to determine if it’s still right for your business. If your primary source of marketing is via your social channels, it's so important to ensure you're producing content that's impactful and gets you closer to your goals. Pay close attention to the engagement your account is getting on your posts and links back to your website. 

P.S. If you’re looking for help outlining your 2023 strategy, our VIP Days could be exactly what you’re looking for. These 1:1 intensive sessions that will set you up with a strategy customized for your brand that accounts for the current trends and incorporates the latest algorithm changes. Learn more here. 

3. Try something new: While there are some marketing tactics that never go out of style, that’s simply not the case when it comes to social media. As our favourite platforms continue to evolve, it’s crucial the way your business uses them and shows up on them does as well. Don’t be afraid to try new content formats, such as video, or show off more of your personality through pop culture references and memes. You may be surprised to find out that it can mean all the differences between a few hundred people seeing your post to a few thousand.

So there you have it; 3 tried and true tips that any business owner can implement to start the new year off right! We hope these help you get clear on your goals and contribute to the results you’ve been working so hard for. Have a tip that we didn’t mention? Let us know what your top new year’s refresh tip is at @springmediaco

If you’re looking for ongoing social media help, book in for a complementary discovery call to learn more about what we could do for you! We are currently accepting new clients and offer completely customized packages to best suit your businesses’ needs.


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